Aqua Centre specialise in the design and construction of water and sewage treatment plants.

Our patented water treatment system is known as Upflow Floating Media Clarification (UFMC) and is primarily designed for medium to large scale water purification needs. This unique, low cost water clarification system assists many governments and municipalities in third world countries to improve the quality of water and the clarification of treated sewage.

UFMC Applications

Potable Water, Sewage Waste Water Purification, Flush Recycling, Disaster Response, Cooling Tower Sidestream Filtration


Patented UFMC System

Upflow Floating Media Clarification (UFMC) is an internationally patented water treatment system, primarily designed for medium to large scale water purification needs.


UFMC Benefits

Cost Effective, Rapid Installation, Automated, Efficient, Scalable to Demand, Reduced Maintenance, Mobility


South Africa – 2009/08030

OAPI – 15089

ARIPO – AP/P/2010/005153

Angola – 1570/PCT/ZA2008/000106

Australia – 2008329598

Indonesia  – W00201001678

Mexico – MX/a/2010/005525

Colombia – 10-051673

Malaysia – PI2010001876
